Elijah B Wilder Elijah B Wilder

Bad reviews are good, actually

Far more self-interestedly, I hate that book reviewers are made to feel any pressure not to leave a negative review when that negative review could be precisely the thing to convince someone else to buy the book—and probably just as accurately as a positive review could, if not more!

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Elijah B Wilder Elijah B Wilder

Clicks are people, too?

I don’t know if it’s always been easy for some authors to forget that readers are real people. But I do know that now, it is a built-in feature: things are designed in a way that discourages authors from seeing readers as real people. In our world of algorithm-ordained website placement and A.I.-policed reviews, authors aren’t presented with readers—real, key-losing people—so much as clicks.

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Elijah B Wilder Elijah B Wilder

Whose Sci(fi)?

The perils of distinguishing between science and fantasy in the speculative.

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